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Our Mission

Healing the earth and restoring peace among people.

We promote initiatives to support the ecological transition, with our own projects or in cooperation with other institutions and organisations.

Prizes and Awards


August 2022 – Accreditation of the Green Heart Foundation as an Observer Member of the United Nations General Assembly on the Environment, UNEP and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

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September 2022 – FCV wins the International Life Builders Award in Côte d'Ivoire.

Mr. Paul Tangem recognizes FCV's significant impact on the Great Green Wall project, validated by a 15 years study from the University Houphouët Boigny (Abidjan) on reforestation's effects on arid zones.

Our SDG Goals

Coeur Vert Luxembourg is committed to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations. Through our various initiatives and projects, we aim to promote health and well-being, enhance access to quality education, foster innovation and sustainable infrastructure, create resilient and sustainable communities, mitigate climate change impacts, and strengthen partnerships for sustainable development. Our efforts align with these global goals as we work towards a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

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Our Approach

Sustainability and Concrete actions

We believe that a sustainable future is achievable through collective action and a commitment to responsible environmental practices. We strive to lead by example and inspire others to adopt sustainable and future-proof lifestyles.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community is an essential part of our work for us. We believe that collaboration is key to achieving our goals and making a positive impact. We work closely with local residents, businesses, and organizations to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable practices.

Education and Outreach

We believe that education and outreach are critical to achieving our mission of creating a sustainable future. Through our initiatives, we aim to educate the public about environmental issues and empower them to take action. We also work with schools, governments and other organisations to promote environmental education and awareness.

Our Partners

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© 2024 Coeur Vert Luxembourg. All rights reserved.

Association Coeur Vert Luxembourg A.S.B.L. 

R.C.S. Luxembourg : F 13544

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